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June 12, 2018


To me, Oregon's law is about death with dignity and not suicide since it's someone who is dying and just chooses how and their own timing. It has many steps to prevent someone using it for depression or a chronic illness they find making their life miserable. It's not that hard though to kill oneself if that's their goal but just no dignity in most of them.

To me, God Almighty YHVH, is the author of morality. We just vaguely imitate it. We're not even required to imitate it. We do it mostly out of habit and fear of the repercussions of da law. I think that there is no gray area in suicide. It is yes or no. Even amorally, yes or no, one's choice. Shaking off the yoke of morality brings freedom. Freedom to be, to do, anything one wishes. Sounds perfect, except that we're imperfect...defective even. I'm defective. If I were running the Island of Lost Souls (with Charles Laughton), I would snuff me. "What IS the LAW?" No law! Just follow your heart. There is nothing written there, clean slate, you write and do. After fifty years of this, I became weary of myself. God Almighty YHVH offers to change my heart out and write His morality on the new one when I accept Yeshua Hamashia as my Lord and Master and reject my own sinful nature. So it is, so I am. I am changed, I am changing. Better than I was, worse than I want to be. God IS love and God IS light. Remember the parable of the rich man? Camel through the eye of a needle and so on...I have found that great intellect is a fountain of riches which can obscure the need for you-know-who! Thank you fellow aged traveler Brian. I pray for you-ward

Look into the alternative views on Kate Spade (google someone who never fit in and may seem a bit unusual: Sloan Bella /Kate Spade. She's a start, but explore the topic more for more serious commentary.).

A very important topic. Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly. I admire what you say on this topic. I don't know if people have taken their soberest assessment of living before being driven to not wanting to. Maybe in a strange way it gives one the real view of life, one that forces a search for a new door, an OTHER meaning, when this one has lost it.

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