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March 06, 2018


Dr. Panet Raymond is our dentist, also. I was casually listening to the news last night and they posted the name of the victim. O ran to the computer to see if this was indeed his daughter.
My heart sank.
Thank you for writing about this.

That kind of loss is unimaginable and yet it happens. So sorry for the family. I call life mystery because trying to make sense out of it is beyond me.

Deeply, saddened I sit at my computer, delaying my much loved gardening adventures to respond to the loss of Nicole, daughter of my former dentist, Marc Panet-Ramond, in a skiing accident.

I haven't seen Marc from my dental chair perspective for YEARS... (I retired and lost dental insurance coverage as my plan was no longer Blue Cross (or whatever it's called now) and I moved into the Kaiser-Permanente orbit.

My fond memories (and who says this about going to see a dentist), thanks to Marc's personable way with his patients are always filled with laughter... He is THE ONLY dentist that I've worked with --- where we could / DID continue to converse while I had my mouth open an a drill working away on a tooth... Marc would talk and I could respond through limited ASL... He was an avid signer --- so our conversations went on and on... His stories usually filled with humor, and my responses via signing kept a trip to the dentist, joyous. (At least for me, anyway)

I am so very very sorry about the loss of Nicole to her family and friends. I have few words that can truly express the depth of sadness.

Thank you so much for posting.

Grieving for an unmet young woman and her family.

Bonnie Ross

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