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March 09, 2018


Nice write-up. I'm curious, how much of this was new to you? Did you get any sense of how much was new to the people in attendance?

Interesting and i did know it-- although not that Native Americans today would disparage those of us born in the PNW as late comers lol. I mean we all came whether our family came long ago or more recently. Nobody evolved here. I live on land that had the stories still there when we bought it, of the tribes that came through seasonally. The grinding bowls were left and the arrowheads mostly were collected by those first homesteaders and their descendants. Some were still there though by our time. Our creek was named for the first settlers of European descent, but the nearby river has a tribal name of the local tribe at that time. I also wrote one of my Oregon romances that told the story of Oregon's own Trail of Tears. The first settlers in my part of Oregon didn't have the wars that came later both in the Siskiyous and Eastern Oregon. Oregon has a very interesting, sometimes violent history but it is not well known (some believe the disease was malaria in the Willamette Valley.) There is a great museum in Eastern Oregon, out of Pendleton, to tell the story of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla tribes-- Tamástslikt Cultural Institute.

Thanks to Dave for mentioning my blog.

I found a rock i would love a member of the tribe ty o look st it found in Eugene i dont know how to post the pics on here

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