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February 18, 2018


In 2007 the Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 people and wounded 17 with two semi-auto pistols. No need for an AR-15 to kill a lot of people. If Roy Rogers lost his mind he could have killed 12 people with his two six shooters before reloading.

This is a vexing problem.

*** No need for an AR-15 to kill a lot of people ***

Bombs and speeding vehicles can kill too... but since a '96 ban on assault rifles in Australia, they haven't had a repeat tragedy.

Listen to comedian Jim Jeffries' take:

P.S. It's ok... I'm pretty sure the "thoughts and prayers" mourning period
has passed.

Please support Democrat Mike Ellison who is running for State Representative in District 19 against Republican Denyc Boles this November. She couldn't even vote in favor of closing the "boyfriend loophole" to take guns away from abusive boyfriends the other day in the Legislature. That's what kind of a 2nd Amendment extremist she is. She's got to go.

First of all, I am not a gun enthusiast. I don't like 'em. Too noisy. That said, I don't think you are going to get Americans to give up guns without an ugly fight, even if only the semi-autos. This country is already divided enough without adding that to the mix. Stricter gun laws will help some but guns will still be available legally and illegally. Closer surveillance of psychos will help but some will slip by despite obvious signs like the Florida demon displayed. It will help if schools have armed people on campus (besides lunatic students) like security guards or teachers with the inclination and training to do so, but the maniac might just shoot them first to get them out of the way. This is a tough problem. There is a priority need to find out why there is so much mental illness that drives people to this kind of madness and try to fix it.

I totally agree with you Mr.Hines. Ban all assault rifles and deep background checks.

I also wish more people would look into the European Firearms Directive.


More, much more could be done in this country. I also wish the NRA and other pro-gun organizations would be prohibited from being able to lobby Congress and influence them with Millions of $$$. Just part of my wish list.
I also agree wholeheartedly that the pro-life religious groups and duplicitous and doing more harm than good.

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