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February 28, 2018


All i can say is Holy Mackerel lol. I hadn't even heard of most of these but do take a few supplements-- Qunol, which is a kind of CoQ10, Vit D because mine is always low when it's tested. Calcium off and on; Ocuvite which has Lutein and Vit A. I don't take a multivitamin because of the A in Ocuvite for seniors. Off and on I take Vit. B and some C. None of mine are oriented to being younger but protecting eyes or heart. I also take some magnesium in a power, as many don't get enough but if you eat a lot of dark green vegies, you might. magnesium is good for muscle spasms if you get those. I also though have a couple of prescription meds for cholesterol and high bp (none of mine were that out of line but they were heading that way. :)

it is not a placebo effect. starting taking 100mg. yesterday, and feel a difference immediately. mine is a long drawn out story, but the short form is I am deformed, which has gotten worse with age. not a candidate for an operation and boy the leg hurts. well, the pain is subsiding and returning to a younger time/pain period. the depression of not being able to do a thing, has abated. because now I am. slowly, but started walking, cleaning etc., that was very much psychological, but the pain was not is not. and truly has lessened. good luck to you.

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