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February 16, 2018


Some years back I got a medical marijuana card with the idea that weed might help with certain issues. It was fun at first to go into the dispensary/farm and walk out with a bag of weed products, drop it on the passenger seat and drive off with no legal concerns... especially since the dispensary was about 200 yards from the police station. Imagine that happening in 1967.

I tried smoking, vaping, cartridge pens, edibles, concentrates and a good variety of sativa and indica strains. What I discovered was that I don't like weed, at all. It makes me overthink things, makes me self conscious and anxious. I don't like the effect on the lungs from smoking or the lingering hangover the next day or more, no matter what method i used to take the weed. I was awkward, clumsy, forgetful, spacey and more stupid than usual under the influence. I found myself talking like Spicoli in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High". Sex was good however.

I found one indica strain, Kryptonite, that did relax muscle spasms and the psychoactive effects were relatively mild, but it left me gawking, motionless in a stupor at the TV, and I still had the lingering hangover effects I don't like. CBD was somewhat helpful but the effect was subtle and possibly in the realm of a placebo effect.

I even had some plants growing in the guest house bathtub with grow lights and all that, but by the time the buds were ready I had lost interest and gave them away to some happy recipients.

I think i had such high levels of health, fitness and clarity in the past that no drug is a substitute for that sense of well-being. Not even close. Not even close to being close to being close.

It is curious the wide variety of experience people have with weed, how some derive so much pleasure and euphoria, while some can take it or leave it, and others like me just flat out prefer to leave it.

All I can say, weedsters, is please don't smoke and drive and keep it away from the young'uns.

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