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January 15, 2018


Wow, you might become someone without a 'club' behind you if you don't watch out lol. It seems we are naturally pushed to join a 'tribe' with those who are certain they know what is best for everybody. Moderates end up not agreeing with either extreme, having both mad at them, and not having a cozy place to discuss issues that matter.

As a self-proclaimed moderate, I see things both sides do that I like but then they come along with a caveat that drives me away. Maybe someday there will be a new tribe rise up-- one willing to look at reality-- like that the corporate tax cut to compete with the world could bring back jobs. The ones, who say the corporations are raking in money without it, ignore that they are doing that by sending jobs overseas. That doesn't help the average working folks. I would think that the income tax cut was more questionable but it will end up with higher earners in states like Oregon probably paying more tax, not less, since their cut was small and not being able to deduct fully their property and income taxes will be an ouch.

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