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January 11, 2018


I agree with you Brian - stay where you are as long as you can and seek out care givers when you need their services - me being a RN, I have witnessed all levels of care being delivered in many scenarios and some situations are so sad. I purchased Long Term Care Insurance several years ago when I saw the level of care people were receiving - different types of income, lack of family support and chronic health issues seemed to determine the care being delivered.

Hopefully, as I age and need assistance with personal care, meals and transportation, there will be an available caregiver who will treat me with respect and dignity and provide that care right here where I live. I realize I will probably need a more intense level of care as I age or develop health issues but my insurance will help with that cost too. And stay off your roof!!

It might depend on the kind of communities you choose. I've had friends who got their parents into memory care for Alzheimer's and it wasn't early on. The places you are wanting sound like resorts for elders. They might be more snobbish

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