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January 28, 2018


I've become disillusioned with trying to discuss important issues, like immigration, in social media. I do okay with my own issues blog because those who come there already know I am not a leftie or a rightie. They don't always agree with me; but when they express their view, it stays to what they think and does not deteriorate into name-calling, which happens too easily at Facebook. One of the things that does get to me is using religion as an excuse for a position on an issue. We are not all Christians and expecting it to settle the issue seems to me leaving behind logic for emotion. Emotion so does not work for me in debates over issues.

I am not surprised this group worked as you described because those who came to it were ready for that kind of interaction. It's not the case in a lot of the social media world where people see one side as devils and the other as saints (on both sides of the extremes). The people I get along best with to discuss politics in rt are moderates. I try to stay off it with the far left or the far right as they aren't looking for exchanges but for winning.

The comment about the news media should have been walked back by the presenters. Bias is a continuum, not binary. Fox is a propaganda instrument of the president and vice versa. To gloss over this dangerous situation did a disservice to everyone in attendance.

Thanks for going and reporting on this. I consider myself warned!

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