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December 22, 2017


Seeing your article today reminded me I wrote about the word when I came across it in March with an article my husband forwarded me by Andrew Sullivan. I did research and came up with those who saw it as good and others not so good: https://rainydaythings.blogspot.com/2017/03/intersectionality.html

More recently, I wrote about tribalism as the reason we excuse some from what we know is wrong because they belong to our tribe. We saw it in Alabama with Moore but also President Clinton earlier.

Now tribalism is having some of the women who were assaulted demand that the word alleged be removed from any accusation of sexual misconduct as if the woman says it, it must be true. This is patently ridiculous as it assumes that women never lie and that they might not have a grudge based on another reason or even want fame or money knowing it's one way to get it. That does not mean all women lie but just to say all accusations are alleged ignores the reality of men not all being molesters at any level.

I am not about to use the new spelling for women. I've been through these demands before and they seem silly to me but they can turn very ugly when someone stands up and says that. There really isn't the ability to speak our minds in all settings. For someone like me, who doesn't have a niche where I fit politically, I can find attacks from the right and the left. When that happens, it's the need to shut up a differing voice. Sometimes it's not worth the hassle to say what I think-- sometimes it is.

On Facebook, i don't post my thinking on politics but I sometimes comment on someone else's. That is often a mistake too. Recently I wrote what I thought there regarding Jerusalem. My wiser nature said-- are you crazy! I copied and then deleted it and brought it back to the issues blog where someone who comes there already knows I don't fit into a cookie cutter mold for how I see issues. I also keep that kind of thinking out of my main blog for a different reason-- I want it to be a place of ideas, creativity, and process. Politics loses it sometimes with just the addition of one word-- that changes with time, of course, as to what it is :)

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