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October 28, 2017


Not sure it'll make you feel better but maybe this was just one of those DNA cards that we sometimes get dealt-- the ones we'd prefer we hadn't. It might be you could have delayed it but we just live into where a lot of things show up. It's human nature to blame ourselves but so much is not in our control. We just have to roll with it.

I had another thought on this. Have you considered turning to Eastern medical treatments-- in particular acupuncture? Once someone has gone through what Western medicine can do, I don't think you can lose much by talking to other practitioners of some of the older medical treatments that sometimes have more promise where it comes to chronic conditions. I've had acupuncture treatments in the past and they can strengthen our own immune system as well as stimulate organs. I don't know anything about this specifically but you might consider asking for recommendations in the Salem area for those who have helped with other conditions where Western medicine mostly has given up.

Rain, a much belated reply. I did go to a local acupuncturist for one session. It was just too strange/weird for my admittedly Western (mostly) mind. I may give acupuncture another try at some point. I just figured that it was quite unlikely that what was being offered would benefit me, and there was a cost in terms of money and time that I didn't want to incur.

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