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September 22, 2017


Excellent post, Brian. I too have obtained (at least in theory) a credit freeze from the 4 big credit rating agencies. It is time that a credit freeze become the default option for everyone, and if you really truly need credit -- then there must be a way for you to do this in person - but quickly and easily.

It would be interesting to see that if everyone starts instituting credit freezes (like they probably should), what this would do to the consumer economy.

Imagine if we had to save up for something, instead of "buy now pay later"!
Thanks for sharing your story.

Good read! I actually just got my info to lift my freeze to buy a X.. but still don’t get why I have to pay $10 to shitty Equifax when Apple is requesting it.. or, at the very least, when Equifax screwed up. Unsure what to do. The major benefit of the program is trading in the phone after 12 months. But I expect they’ll want another credit lift then, too. #lame

Same issue. I solved it by ordering my phone from AT&T where I currently have a contract. No credit check, and the monthly charge goes onto my AT&T bill which I can pay with a credit card of choice and take a partial write off due to business use.

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