Here's what my camera captured at last Sunday's Willamette Humane Society WillaMutt Strut event at Riverfront Park.
The family dog, ZuZu, and I completed the 5k walk, though not in anything approaching record time. But if I could subtract all the moments ZuZu spent sniffing dog pee (and who knows what else) instead of walking, our performance would look a heck of a lot better.
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I'm sure this was a fine event and the Willamette Humane Society is a fine organization doing good work, but for me this event was tarnished by the fact that WHS plastered the town with illegal signs in the public right of way to advertise the event. I pulled up a bunch of them. I hope, as they plan for next year, that their board will direct their volunteers to not willfully violate Salem Revised Code Chapter 900 to promote this event. I, for one, will never consider at donation to WHS as long as they choose to break the law.
Posted by: Jim Scheppke | June 07, 2017 at 08:17 AM