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June 03, 2017


To abandon facts is to abandon freedom.

No... no, you just enter the realm of "alternative facts". Chuck Todd memorably refused to do so:


Did he also mention how the left can be tyrannical too? No matter how extreme lefties do the kumbaya talk, we've seen it since the election on our campuses with blocking speech but political correctness run amok has been here for awhile. Whichever side gets too much power has that risk. I think it's why Americans have preferred divided leadership. It's less effective for getting things done but cuts the risk of one side taking over totally.

Rain, it's pretty clear from the historical examples in this book that Donald Trump is the true tyrant. Liberals are very mild on the tyranny front by comparison. Trump's speech is tyrannical. His disdain for the media is tyrannical. His dismissal of facts and reason is tyrannical.

Please, don't fall into the trap of false equivalency. Trump is not the same as any leading Democrat. The Republican Party is not the same as the Democratic Party. Trump and Republicans are behaving in a much more tyrannical manner than any Democrat has.

This is a fact. Read this book and you'll better understand why.

Brian, I don't have time to read for pleasure right now, with a book of my own to get out. as a moderate, I might not see it the same as you though anyway. The thing I've observed is if you are a leftie, you see Trump one way. A rightie sees him another. This is also true of Obama. I don't know if you have right wing friends, but if you do, you already know how they felt our nation was going to h--- in a handbasket as my father used to say. Now liberals fear it. Anybody in the establishment with a stake in the government flourishing (until the debt gets to be too much) is siding with the anti-Trumpers. He's a hard thing for many to get past after 8 years of the smooth Mr. Obama, who could talk in ways that made people forget what he was actually saying. I think both of these men will not be fully revealed until most of us are long dead as it takes time to get past the partisan desires to look at what really happened. The question I find interesting is-- could we have kept on as we were if Hillary had won in terms of spending, promises and ignoring so much of what was going wrong especially in the Middle East and Africa? I voted for her but totally felt concern for the direction we were heading. I don't worry about tyranny though with Trump anymore than I did with Obama when the right feared it. I believe in our system of government. Convince the people you have a responsible plan that can be paid for and they'll go with you. Well, some charisma and physical beauty (such as Obama had) doesn't hurt ;)

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