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December 16, 2016


Well said! Thank you

Enjoyed the photo story. Jean, who was born in Eugene in December 1938, graduated from Eugene High School in 1957, lived there until 1960, and who now slips and slides as a pedestrian in the winter in Spokane, WA. (Sweet doggie !) I have three cats.. "Stay safe" to you and some of my family who still lives in the Eugene/Springfield/Lowell areas. It was minus 4 degrees overnight here.

I live in Okla. City and though we do not have much snow we have the same icing problem you have. Anything that falls turns to ice and freezes and then thaws again and again. I do get tired of people saying that we don't have a clue how to drive in bad weather. I don't know anyone who can drive on slick ice. We have our share of that. Our streets are a mess because of the freeze thaw problem that goes on all winter long. Good luck with your winter driving.

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