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October 25, 2016


Watching movies with other people, even family members, is overrated. When we were teenagers, going to movies on dates might have served a good purpose (unrelated, sometimes, to the movie), but adults should always watch movies by themselves. To have any other human beings in proximity to you when watching a movie (at home or in a theater) can only be a source of distraction or irritation. I also prefer to be by myself when I get emotional watching a movie, which I frequently do. And if you are not liking the movie you can just turn it off without any negotiation or explanation. There, your problem is solved.

my husband does not say that but he does talk during a movie. I say to him-- put it on pause, tell me then. He doesn't and pretty soon it's another comment. I find it annoying but he can't seem to stop talking. Those who like to talk during a film should watch it with someone else who also likes to talk. Wonder how that'd work for them! lol

Brian, you just might want to drop off an extra blanket on the couch out in the garage.
Its starting to get a bit chilly at night.....

LoL!!! Thank you for the comic relief. That was hilarious and so are the comments from others---especially Harry Vanderpool who I think is the Bee Guy.

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