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July 27, 2016


WTF!? Email sent. How can they just cancel without any imput on why or how?

Here is the very encouraging (not) response to my email.

"Greetings, I am out of the office and will return Monday, August 15th. If you need more immediate assistance, you may contact Lisa Anderson-Ogilvie, Planning Administrator, at 503-540-2381, or [email protected]."

At the risk of seeming self-promotional, here are some thoughts that grace LOVESalem

Communities exist for the health and enjoyment of those who live in them,
not for the convenience of those who drive through them, fly over them, or exploit their real estate for profit.
-- Ted Roszak, "Where the Wasteland Ends"

"Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us." (Henrik Tikkanen)

"Forget the damned motor car and build the cities for lovers and friends." (Lewis Mumford)

I'm not sure I would waste an email on the current City Council. With one or two exceptions, they are pretty hopeless. I'd rather see one or more of our newly elected City Councilors attend the summit and have all three plan to use this issue to make their mark on the city next year. How about it Cara, Sally and Matt? Tom Andersen, who is an avid cyclist, might also want to attend.

I got another reply.

Thanks for asking. The group putting it together decided not to do it this year. They had gotten a late start planning it. It's being planned for next year I understand.
Chuck Bennett
Councilor, Ward 1

JT, in Portland, the open streets events are a partnership between the Portland Bureau of Transportation, a public agency, and various sponsors -- notably Kaiser Permanente.


So when Councilor/Mayor-elect Bennett speaks of "the group putting it together," I'm assuming he means the City of Salem in conjunction with various sponsors. So the lack of a 2016 Salem Sunday Streets event has to be partly the responsibility of City officials.

After all, streets have to be closed for the event. In 2013, Salem police were stationed at various intersections. In Portland, I believe police officers are at every intersection that has a light. At least, that was my impression from the two Sunday Parkways rides I've been on.

Thus "open streets" has to be a partnership between public and private, the City of Salem and various sponsors.

Since the Salem Sunday Streets ball got dropped this year, it makes sense to cast an eye on both public officials and private organizers as the reason. If making Salem more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly was a priority at City Hall, you can bet we'd have a Salem Sunday Streets every year -- and ideally several times a year.

The replies continue to come in. This one is crazy. Sounds like we should essentially have a block party which we have already. They don't want to shut down streets at all according to this reply.

"Thank you for sharing your enjoyment of Salem Sunday Streets event with us. By introducing Sunday Streets to Salem and sponsoring the event for three consecutive years, City staff had hoped that interested citizens would see the value of the event and reproduce it in one or more neighborhoods in town. I know that City staff will work with a group of neighbors that is willing to organize and sponsor an event in their area.


Kacey Duncan
Deputy City Manager
City of Salem, Oregon
555 Liberty St. SE/Room 220
Salem, OR 97301
503-588-6255 x7267 "

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