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July 28, 2016


We love all of the wildlife out here.
Several months ago, Liz and I were getting our day started when all of a sudden she shouted, "HARRY! Come here. Hurry! HURRY!!!"
I took off running from the farm office to our bedroom.
Looking out the window, lo & behold, there was a bobcat slowly walking through our yard.
Beautiful little cat! First one we have seen here in 26 years.
They say we have cougars. I have not yet seen one.
One thing we do not have is skunks.
I have always given credit to the coyotes that we appreciate for their efforts at keeping down annoying rodents.
Then recently, I learned that the main predator of skunks is the great horned owl of which we have oodles!!
Turns out that the great horned owl has no sense of smell.
They also have killer night vision.
So how hard can it be to have great night vision and have a skunk with it's white stripes almost like a target painted on it's back walk by to grab.
Another annoying animal that we no longer have is pocket gophers.
Answer: Because we have taken advantage of our evil, evil, evil assault rifles, (22 semi-auto) and cleared the property of gophers over 26 years.
Anyway, I've got to get one of those cameras.....

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