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July 08, 2016


Delightful photos and description! Wish I would have gone. :-(

Thanks for taking me with you virtually....I'd never been before...next year I'm going in person😀😄

I am so truly appreciative of your postings, particularly those from the Oregon Country Fairs of recent years.

And please forgive me, because I'm new to your site, but do you have any photos from the 2017 and 2018 Fairs, which I would also love to view?

I went to my first Oregon Country Fair way back in 1980. My spouse, who was then my girlfriend, first attended in 1993. We've gone together every year since then---with the exception of 1995 when she had to go to a close friend's wedding---and our son who is 14 just finished his 15th OCF.

We absolutely love it there.

Again, thanks for posting these wonderful images and terrific accompanying text. Maybe we will have the pleasure of meeting you along the paths next year when The Oregon Country Fair celebrates its 50th anniversary!

Steve, I wasn't able to go to the 2017 and 2018 Oregon Country Fairs. Yes, they're wonderful. Must be unique in the entire country, maybe the world.

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