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June 27, 2016


Thanks Brian for your advocacy. You are right on. There are many reasons to oppose the bloated $83 million "full meal deal." One that is important to me is that the "full meal deal" is based on an assumption that we are going to add 83 new staff to our police department over the next 30 years. That includes 73 new officers (2.4 per year) and 10 new support staff. The projection was made by the DLR Group based on .... nothing. They just said in a meeting that they assumed this. It was challenged by Councilor Tom Andersen, and he was told that actually the SPD has only added 1.8 officers a year on average since 1972 when they moved into their current quarters at City Hall. More relevant is the fact that in the past decade SPD has only added about 1 officer per year on average. So the 2.4 figure is way out of whack! It's based on nothing. But it drives the 148,000 square foot requirement and the bloated cost. For this reason alone, I would vote 'no.'

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