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May 05, 2016


So true Brian. I am reminded of the great book by Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan, where he argues that unpredictable and unexpected events have the greatest impact on history. Trump is a black swan in a way. What other black swans may turn up between now and November to change the course of our history? Who knows?

If he had a "D" next to his name, you would vote for him regardless of reality.
You are going to vote for Kocamamie Kate; right? Relax. She has a "D" next to her name.

Not sure you ever read David Brooks Op/Eds. But for me at least, it's always comforting to be reminded there are rational conservatives out there when you are watching something so mind-blowing unfold in front of you. He's take on Trump (and Bernie really), plus the breakdown of the GOP is great.


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