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May 29, 2016


I read with interest that the event started at Englewood.
I went to Englewood in the 4th and 5th grade.
Rode a bicycle every single day from about a mile away. NO PROBLEMS.
From there we moved to Dallas, OR. (Thank heavens!)
In Dallas we rode our bicycles to school every day, however over much more distances.
As soon as my brother and I were old enough, we landed paper routes.
We had Capitol Journal paper routes and later Oregon Statesman routes, all delivered by bicycle.
Why did we have such a high level of success commuting and operating in commerce on bicycles?
We were safe and successful because we CLEARLY understood that the roads are for cars, trucks, vans, semis and buses and that we should be grateful for the use of the roads and yield to major traffic. The number one problem with bicyclists in our current era is a bad and unrealistic attitude.
Solution; GET REAL!
As a bicyclist, I have no worries or fears because I have a reality based approach to navigating the streets:
Streets are for motor vehicles; period.
Recognizing that, I have no complaints with sharing the road when bicycling.
Attitude makes all the difference!
OR it can kill you. Your choice.

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