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April 11, 2016


Very nice description and pictures of a lovely hike! Thanks!

I do have a concern about allowing dogs to run off-leash on the beach. Beaches are home to myriad shore birds and other wildlife that see dogs, especially off-leash dogs, as predators. When dogs run on the beach, they disturb feeding, resting and nesting behavior of resident and migratory birds that must find sustenance, rest and food on the beach, the only place they can live. Chronic disturbance reduces their energy and causes them to abandon nest and chicks.

Please consider keeping dogs on-leash on the beach as a way of preserving the beautiful coastline we all (humans and animals) enjoy.

The zen-ish pile of rocks is typically a trail indicator left by other hikers to mark places where the trail may become less obvious. This isn't much of an issue in the valley where well worn paths through the foliage are usually easy to see. It was very common in Colorado where steep slopes and inclines would wash away and cover/obscure trail paths.

I believe a leash is indeed required by law. I would double check the assertion that dogs can go freely throughout the beach without a leash. Not only are the wild life possibly at risk, a distant dog could poop and the owner would never know it. I've seen it many times. In addition, it's not very kid-friendly to have dogs galloping all over the place.

Nice pictures though.

OK, I stand corrected. From what I can tell by some Googling, the Neskowin beach does have a leash requirement. So I edited this post accordingly. My wife and I have gone to Neskowin many times. It's rare to see a dog on a leash. Almost all run free. So that explains why we figured there wasn't a leash requirement.

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