Usually a question mark in a blog post title or newspaper headline means the answer is "No." But sometimes it is "Yes."
That's why question marks are so marvelously mysterious!
Check out today's post on my Salem Political Snark blog, "My (not so) secret plan to sway Salem's May election." No question mark there.
Of course, if I wanted to fool the Chamber of Commerce and others who want to keep Salem's political system just the way it is -- benefitting the already Rich and Powerful -- naturally I'd point them in the wrong direction.
Unless I didn't.
Anyway, my favorite part of the Salem Political Snark post is this sentence that was prefaced with "Politically, Salem is in a stale rut. In one long sentence, here's what this town needs to get away from:"
The Chamber of Commerce grooms right-wing people to run for local public office by getting them onto City of Salem committees and urging them to get involved with neighborhood associations, then these people run for office and, not surprisingly, get endorsed by the Chamber's Board of Directors, after which the Chamber's Political Action Committee supports them with lavish (for Salem) amounts of money, and this -- combined with the usual editorial page endorsement from the Chamber-friendly Statesman Journal newspaper, along with low voter turnout in May primary elections where local races usually are decided, allows the conservative Chamber candidates for Mayor and City Council to be elected in a liberal-leaning city.