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March 23, 2016


I will admit it. I am the one spreading false information about it. Starting right here and now. For example I heard:

-The City Council wants to make the entire police facility OUT OF CANDY!
-Instead of holding cells the plans call for the creation of a Phantom Zone Projector to imprison and hold suspects outside of the time/space continuum, like Superman's evil Kryptonian foes.
-For some reason the police station will be required to fly the Mississippi state flag
-All police will be Robocops
-Extra storage space area for the FEMA death camp body bags
-TJ Sullivan will act in the best interests of the citizens of Salem and not his special interest buddies
-Police dogs will be replaced by wolves

tj Sullivan is a flaky hothead from the east coast. Does he live in Salem? I never understand his motives.

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