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March 28, 2016


Wait a minute, this isn't a local politics blog? Or at least a 97.43% local politics blog?

Not Even Wrong, good point. Recently I have indeed been blogging mostly about "politics," using that word in a general sense. But for most of HinesSight history I was quite a bit more personal.

For example, my post about stopping robins pecking on window glass still gets quite a few hits in the spring, when robins do this irritating thing. And my post about saving my iPhone after dropping it in the toilet regularly gets comments of "thank you, thank you, you saved my life!" from people in a similar situation.

My hope is that I can get back to making HInesSight more personal and philosophical, especially since I'm not posting as much on my third Church of the Churchless blog, and keep local political stuff on the Salem Political Snark blog.

Got it. Maybe when I get a little older I'll spend more time here to talk about problematic birds and my personal foibles with modern technology. In the meantime, I suppose I'll take my eyeballs over to the new, "different" site.

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