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March 04, 2016


"DAVID VERSUS GOLIATH": PART 2: It takes a lot of volunteer but expert time to prove out-of town and expensive consultants wrong. We "DAVID" spent hundreds of hours to prove the $1M Portland consultants "GOLIATH" wrong after they estimated it would cost $65M to fix the $34M Courthouse Square. But fortunately the wise county commissioners and the intelligent transit board members listened to OUR claim (and our detailed report) that it could in fact be strengthened and restored (to new) for close to $20M. A BIG difference. They put our method out to bid. Result: the taxpayers saved $40M. But now we have an intransigent Council who are impressed by "GOLIATH"" consultants who say we have to spend FIVE times what Eugene spent on a new Police Facility, and will not accept our alternative method. We are spending hundreds of hours to show them they can actually build a new police facility for tens of millions less than Chicago proposes. Read the "Salem Solution" https://www.scribd.com/doc/300846641/Salem-Police-Facility-the-Salem-Alternative

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