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March 03, 2016


I surveyed a bunch of my most respected friends about their thoughts about the Cascadia Subduction Zone, impending earthquake and the tsunami that will follow.
First of all, over half of them knew nothing at all about it.
The other half waved it off as just another alarmist platform similar to the global warming cockamamie nonsense.
One interesting response that I got was something like, "Oh,,I don't worry about stuff like that; when it's my time to go, it is my time to go." A bunch of people said something along those lines.
When Cascadia goes, ALL OF THOSE FOLKS will be needy victims.
So, Brian, if you haven't noticed, most people don't want to think about it or even consider it a serious problem.
A lot of people respond with something about being scared.
I counter with, "Don't be scared, be prepared!".
It's just like trying to discuss reality with clueless liberals; a lost cause...

Once I read a few of the excellent books on CSZ (available free, ironically, at the very Salem Public Library which is destined to collapse in the Big One), I was completely convinced.

It's a chilling detective story of how scientists teased out the secret history of the coast, pieced together the probable future, and try hard to communicate it to millions of people who totally don't want to know.

Though I've recently left Salem and Oregon, I continue to find it incredible that only a handful of people seem to take this threat seriously. As anyone who has lived through a disaster knows, it's the new normal afterward that is far scarier than death.

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