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February 11, 2016


Yes, you said it well. This is not over. It's frustrating how many were defending them and then to hear Franklin Graham, tossing aside all his father stood for, saying this was a peaceful protest. Really, peaceful protests involve guns and men who say they will kill others if anyone tries to remove them? Posse Comitatus has been around quite awhile as has the sagebrush rebellion. I had to put a lot of people on facebook on hide their posts to avoid trying to argue with them. It would have led to nothing beneficial as nobody gets convinced in such debates. It is a worrisome time where one man's interpretation of a religious book is supposed to become the law of the land. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually read like say the Sermon on the Mount. But they have created a new religion to suit their greed. Not surprising but it has become very dangerous, and values ignorance. And it's not over :(

Hoo boy, can't agree with you more.

Fortunately, federal authorities are rounding up and arresting participants in the 2014 standoff and bring them to federal courts. So far there's about 200 in custody across the country, with moreto be tracked down. This will probably be the largest domestic terrorism case in history.

Equally unfortunately, this will not bring an end to this kind of thinking, if that's what it is. As long as ignorance and supernatural belief crowds rationality and critical thinking from the human mind, there will be those follow this crooked path.

Education is the only hope.

One of the number ( I don't remember which one) arrested at the Malheur facility was on TV giving a brief rant against government, which included the assertion that "government don't make the laws and rules."

'nuff said . . .

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