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February 16, 2016


It is sad that the SJ is pathetic shell of it's former self! I lost interest when they stopped printing in Salem and used the USA Today as part of their paper!

Agree 100%.

But explain to me why there *is* coverage of local news from Silverton in the S-J. Why Silverton, but not Salem?

Looking at the staff listing on the Statesman Journal website it does not look like the Statesman Journal has a local news/politics reporter anymore. They have a reporter devoted to the Oregon Ducks and one devoted to the Oregon State Beavers but none who report on local issues. The Statesman Journal seems to have zero interest in Salem outside of regurgitating the press releases created by the City of Salem.

It is a disgrace that Oregon's capital, with a population of 160,000 and a metro area of 400,000, has such an absent local newspaper. Heck for local news you are better off using Breakfast on Bikes, Hinesight, Salem Community Vision, Salem Weekly, CANDO or any number of other local sources, all of which deliver better news content then the Statesman Journal.

We have also subscribed for our entire married life, 38 years. We cancelled the Statesman Journal yesterday. Today we received the notice that the price was increasing. What a joke. I really fought cancelling our subscription, I guess because I felt a certain loyalty to the only paper in town. But I finally gave in to pressure from my husband, who has long felt it was a waste of money as it took all of 10 minutes, maybe, to read the entire newspaper, and then relegate it to the recycling bin.

The front page story in the Sunday paper now has one comment. Mine. I posted a link to your blog post.

I wonder if the printing presses and preprint departments are still in the building?
If so, wouldn't it be cool if someone could come along, buy the place and restart the entire operation?
For now as it stands, a "newspaper" without printing presses is DEAD MAN WALKING, IMHO.
What a sad, sad story......

Nope, the presses are gone and the building is for sale. Won't be long before the SJ disappears from downtown into a faceless business park (as predicted here some time ago). I cancelled last year after 22+ years as the price seemed to do nothing but go up and up while the content dwindled until I could breeze thru it in minutes. I cobble the local news from this blog and others ...its sad that's the case but corporate journalism isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Oregon Public Empowerment News (OregonPEN.org) has just completed its first year of weekly publication, all online. It's a tiny acorn now, but what's important is that it is in place and growing. The first year was to fulfill the requirement to become a newspaper of general circulation. If readers of this blog want to support independent, non-corporate journalism, check out OregonPEN.org.

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