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February 18, 2016


Nice work and great document, Brian!
I just have one tiny suggestion for future correspondence with Awesome Anna and the Council:
Substitute, "The impending Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake, projected to be between a category 8 - 9.2 magnitude"
In place of, "The Big One earthquake".
"The big one" falls into the same category as "When The Banks Fail".
Too often used in jokes to place in such a serious context.
Otherwise, excellent job!

Thank you Brian for making me aware of this.I also think we need to upgrade buildings to make them safe over spending $ we don't have .sure of course it would be nice but nobody at this time has the extra funds to give out for such extravagant facilities.

My thanks to Brian and Salem Community Vision for putting in all this work and effort to sensibly advocate for the public.

I wish that for once the city's elected officials could do something sensibly and efficiently, instead of trying to stick us with this super-sized facility. Honestly with all the flim-flamming that has been done regarding the Boise Cascade site and the third bridge and the built but unstaffed fire stations, I don't trust our "leadership" to do the right thing and am hesitant to vote in favor of any proposal they bring forward. If they could just once create a project that shows restraint and efficiency and proves they want to be good stewards of the public's money I would be more open to supporting them. Instead this just seems like more of the old "get the getting while the getting is good" type of project.

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