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January 20, 2016


Maybe this is asking too much, but it would be cool if the planners could take advantage of the creek and incorporate some sort of pathway or greenway or mini park into the design. Perhaps a small area for memorializing past Salem police officers.

It just seems a shame that the creek is such a non-entity, covered by Commercial and Broadway, you hardly even notice it exists zipping past in traffic. And with the cop shop being right there, there is at least a good chance it wouldnt get overrun with bums.

I am in favor of the site that is closest to HWY 22 that flows through downtown Salem.
That way, in an emergency, the response vehicles can put the pedal to the metal right through town either west on Mission or east on Front to get the bad guys.
The farther the station is from HWY 22 that flows through downtown Salem, the slower the out bound response to the extremities .
Let's make good use of our intrastate commercial highways for public safety.

"HWY 22 that flows through downtown Salem" is not a highway. It is a highway designation that was grafted onto local streets.

Those streets are filled with pedestrian traffic and "wall-to-wall" vehicle traffic, all moving slowly.

Front Street does not run east and west -- it is a north-south street, it has some seriously crowded traffic in places, and also has some very problematic intersections.

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