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January 25, 2016


I agree with all you said. It's made me think that our governmental infrastructure is as sick as our bridges. If they can't deal with these guys, kiss it all off as we are back to guns make might. Bundy has gone into town and easily could have been arrested or at the least had a shootout with only him or who was with him. The police don't mind doing that with blacks but what's up with these white cowboys. Now there have been three in your face such assaults on our whole system of government. (http://www.hcn.org/articles/oath-keepers-show-up-for-another-public-lands-squabble-this-time-for-gold-miners-in-oregon). They are already planning the next refuge and it won't stop there as they don't believe parks are legitimate either. Argh! As you said, there are always such yahoos around but until now I thought we had a government willing to do what was legal and right. Evidently not so much...

When does the counter occupation of Bundy's ranch start? And which tribe of Native Americans will be leading it, demanding a return of their land?

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