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January 04, 2016


Yes, they pay a fraction of what we pay for the leased land our cattle use from a private landowner. It's also funny when they talk about government gobbling up their ranches. How did these huge ranches get so huge? They bought up small ranchers, who they often forced out by many tactics. This whole thing is a farce at the refuge, a very sad one.

As to the wolves, if they end up in my part of Oregon, I won't like it much either; so I sympathize with trying to keep them in wilderness areas. Wolves don't kill with mercy as coyotes are forced to do by being smaller. Wolves tear out an animal's entrails and they eat it while it's still alive and suffering. I find it thrilling to hear and see them in the wilderness. If they are killing one of my heifers or cows, I'll not be enjoying anything I hear or see. Wolves are like packs of dogs in how they kill. I think they can be here but need to be encouraged... to stay in the wilds where the issue of balance of nature can be a valid argument. For them to eat my whole cattle herd is not okay with me either...

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