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December 30, 2015


Great post Brian. So right. Most of our elected leaders in Salem are older, well-heeled, successful Republican white people who are living a very comfortable life. So it's not surprising that they would believe that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I was curious about the Salem City Council so I checked their ages. Two-thirds are over age 60. The youngest is 46. A few younger people on the City Council would go a long way to shaking up the status quo thinking.

I worked with a fellow just like Magoroh Maruyama in the '70s and 80s.
Everyone that knew him called him a genius.
All that knew him quickly found out that it was completely impossible to stump him with math(great tutor) history or music questions. No matter how hard we worked, no matter how obscure the trivia question was, spanning all through the ages, he instantly had the answer and the correct answer.

Now lets talk about how well he did in the world of the present.
We had him running a HUGE, high speed multi-web lithographic printing press.
One day a web broke and instead of hitting the stop button, he rotated the rheostat all the way to 100% and stood and swore and spit on the press as it jammed up so tight that it took him and other helpers HOURS to clear up the mess and restart.

One day he mentioned that he had an old rotting tree in his back yard that he wished to remove.
Well, I just happened to have several chain saws, so I offered to drop by on the weekend and help him out.
He had never ran a chain saw, so I took the time to show him how to start and run my brand new saw of medium size. He seemed to really enjoy running the saw and did quite a bit of cutting with it that day.
Upon arriving at the print shop the following Monday, he greeted me by asking me if I would like some spare parts for my new saw. (!!??) "Why", I asked.
Over the weekend, he had gone to the store, bought a chainsaw exactly like my new one, took it home, filled it with gas, pulled the rope 30 or 40 times and then proceeded to take his splitting mall and smash his brand new saw into oblivion.

I love the guy just like a brother, and I'm sure that Magoroh Maruyama had his high points. But honestly, I'll stick with Awesome Anna and all of her linearity.

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