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December 09, 2015


"Anti-abortion zealots supporting domestic terrorism have blood on their hands."

Brian, after approx. 56,662,169 babies killed since 1973; what do pro abortion domestic terrorists have on their hands?

It isn't powdered sugar or pixy dust; is it?

Harry, abortion is legal. Keep saying this over and over: abortion is legal, abortion is legal.

It isn't baby killing. There are no babies being killed. Unborn fetuses are being aborted.

My sister had a miscarriage once, before she had a live baby. Miscarriages are very common. They happen naturally. My sister didn't feel like her "baby" was killed by the miscarriage, because no baby existed.

So keep remembering: abortion is legal; no baby is killed by an abortion.

What's hard for me to digest from the pro-life point of view is that they are willing to advocate endlessly for a fetus - but traditionally these are the same people that get out on the streets to scream "welfare bums" at single women that against all odds HAD THE BABY! "Hello? Baby=Born - You say you want that no?"

Then why do they vote down, time and time again services that are meant to help people care for their (very much alive) children. Why do they vote to cut housing services, education services, health services and and now even FOOD STAMPS!

Does that sound "pro-life" to you?

We have 16 million children living in poverty in the US today. These children need help LIVING - Doesn't that seem like a more rational, a more moral "pro-life" mission?

There are so many positive ways people with pro-life views can get out there and actually help. I dream of a day the same people screaming "murders and baby killers" - get on board the band wagon of proper sex education and affordable (if not free) birth control. The day they advocate for children's health care - the day they advocate for more resources for families in need.

It's just a dream and I know it. Which is sad. But seriously, hiding behind the facade of morality. Ugh. Please. Stop.

You want to be moral pro-lifers? Great I want you to be one to! Now get out there and do something that proves you give a damn about A CHILDS LIFE and not just the one biological step. Start funding sex education, child welfare and general health care programs for women and children. Man will you suddenly be on top of "moral mountain".

Right now of course I fear you'd need a very good compass to find it.

"no baby is killed by an abortion."

Then why is Dr. Kermit Gosnell in prison for murder?

He performed very late term abortions by severing babys' spinal cords. Yes, the babies were not born yet but they were viable human beings because at that stage they could survive outside the womb.

I thought leftists were supposed to be compassionate. You think the babies enjoyed the sensation of having their spinal cords cut?

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