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November 27, 2015


Thanks Brian. I'm boycotting Kelly's. Here's a very successful business with a big advertising budget that thinks it's okay to make cheapo plastic signs and pay some poor sap minimum wage to pound them in the right of way, in violation of the law, all over town. Shame on them. And they are not the only offenders. Not by a mile. If you start to notice, you'll see these signs are trashing our fair city all up and down major arterials. South Commercial may be the worst. The City Council needs to wake up and do something. It makes a terrible impression on visitors to our city. It makes it look like we don't give a damn. Question for City Council: Is this non-enforcement of the law part of your effort to make Salem "business-friendly"?

Brian, I read this post last night and did not get too excited about it.
Then today, I drove into town and:
There are at least a dozen of those signs on the corner of Skyline and Kuebler.
South Salem is now littered with these signs.
Kaiser Permanente keeps a really groomed campus.
Now, the finely trimmed streetscape is lined with these illegal, cheesy signs.
It would be nice to get the name of the individual that made this decision
The signs have to go!

When we take the cheesy signs down, staple a piece of paper stating the ordinance. Extra effort, I get it. Salem looks so trashy with these signs.
One step further, take down all the massive ugly digital signs too! I'd like this city to be one I'm proud to live in.

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