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November 05, 2015


The Statesman Journal: "All the news that's fit to print, as long as it won't upset any of the entrenched institutions in the community that wield power that we want to suck up to and become allied with so as to hopefully help our own standing."

The Statesman's transparent pandering has just become pathetic at this point. The current "leadership" there has created an instrument of little integrity, ethics, or trust. The only thing they are good at is rationalizing their self-serving decisions to themselves.

We quit taking the Statesman years ago due to difficulty of getting it delivered out in the country. I don't think it even runs routes out there anymore but one thought I have on an ethics report story. Theoretically such a request would be only involved on an issue of the law. Perhaps they felt building up a rallying behind such a lawsuit would be more trying for mob rule than a question of the law. Or maybe they felt the person filing the complaint only wanted publicity and didn't feel it was something they wanted to be part of unless the suit proved successful. If someone broke the law, the law should decide it not public opinion. Yes?

Rain, public opinion isn't going to decide this complaint. The IRS will. The Statesman Journal, like other newspapers, regularly publishes prominent stories about complaints of various sorts that haven't been "adjudicated" yet.

For example, a Marion County judge, Vance Day, has gotten complaints about his ethical behavior. The Statesman Journal has published stories about Day, though his hearing is still underway.

Likewise, the Statesman Journal has had front page stories about local teachers accused of misconduct, even though these were just complaints, not decided-on cases.

So the newspaper doesn't wait in other instances for the outcome of a trial or administrative proceeding before reporting on a complaint. Only in this case.

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