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November 01, 2015


One of the best posts that You ever wrote was the one about, "No Overlays".
That was the one where you wondered why you were in a bad mood all day and realized that you had overlaid expectations in your mind that drowned out the actual unmasking of the day.
"NO overlays" (other than Gods word) is now a motto of mine.

But now you are all worried about the stupid clock???!!!
I thought you were retired? THROW OUT ALL OF YOUR CLOCKS!!

I am a farmer and far from retired.
I could not care less what the clock says.
The only time I pay attention to the time is when filling out a truck log.
So thank you for the "No Overlays" sermon.
Here's a sermon for you:
Every day is the same.(Unless you are smart enough to observe the Sabbath) Every hour of the day is the same.
"Oh the clock changed yesterday. Is it 9:00 or 10:00?" WHO CARES??!!!!
All of your posts about having a clear mind goes right out the window if you are a slave to the clock.
For me, every day is the same, every hour of the day is the same.
There's a lot of work to get done but every day has 24 hours to choose from.

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