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October 22, 2015


The Create Jobs PAC needs to return the $50,000 to Salem Health (sic) immediately. They never should have accepted a contribution to a "Miscellaneous Committee" to begin with. They should know the rules, and so should Salem Health (sic).

Thank you for making this complaint. What the hospital did was immoral and unconscionable. Perhaps it's illegal, too. Thanks for holding them accountable in this way.

Just as important, there is nothing about fighting to keep Salem as a transit impoverished community that is consistent with SH's exempt purpose, which is provision of hospital services.

Thus, the contribution authorized by the board, which appears motivated by solely by the benefit to the extremely highly compensated board members, and not to further SH's exempt purpose.

Therefore, even if they had bothered with the legality of making the contribution to the right kind of committee, the real scandal (and perhaps avenue for IRS action) is that they are using money that is tax exempt to help wage a campaign against the public interest, in order to keep paying absurd bonuses to themselves.

Walker, good points. I'm thinking of updating my complaint with the arguments you made in your comment.

It does seem wrong that Salem Health, which has tax-exempt status because it is providing a public service, health care, uses the profits (revenues over expenses) gained from that service in a way that not only doesn't benefit the public, but harms the public.

Namely, denying Salem's citizens improved bus service.

Yes, the allowance for an insubstantial amount of lobbying activity (and zero political activity) by nonprofits presumes that the boards would only be lobbying on matters closely related to e nonprofit mission ... Not just anything that some board members decide they oppose.

The law is that charities such as hospitals can spend ZERO to further the interests of individuals, such as board members in an incestuously close relationship with, say, the Chamber of Commerce.

This misuse of nonprofit funds by SH to help cronies wage a political campaign merits close scrutiny by the IRS and possibly a stiff sanction, especially when you get a gander at the size of the fat checks going to the top guys and gals at this "NINO" organization (nonprofit in name only). Anyone can go to Guidestar and pull down SH's 990 report, which documents the ginormous sums our "community leaders" award each other.

cherriots donated $50,000 to the Salem Hospital Foundation for a Full Time Transportation Coordinator. http://cherriots.org/sites/default/files/PDF%2005-28-15%20E.1%20MINUTES%20BOD%2004-23-15_0.pdf

I am guessing the Salem Hospital Foundation directly related to Salem Health.

seems a bit ironic to me...

Salem Hospital has ruthless collection practices. They intimidate the sick with mafia like tactics. I'm glad they are being called out on scandal, they get away with corruption way too frequently.

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