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October 06, 2015


Good, frees you up to run for your state house seat.

If you have ever been in any small groups, you know there is nothing more petty and power hungry. I don't care if it relates to schools, churches or whatever. It seems the nature of the beast. They will be lucky if they find someone willing to do the job now...

You should have stayed on and continued doing the minutes the old fashioned way, but for every action you took should have been brought before the board and presented for their micromanaging approval. Request approval for buying stamps. Envelopes. Staples. Paper to print on. Printing the minutes. Salivary appropriation for sealing the envelopes. And you can just say "OH I was told i needed the board's permission, as stated before. Don't want to rock the boat."

Volunteerism is on the decline. Sorry to hear about your treatment for just trying to go the extra mile... free of charge. One thing that I have found is that term limits ought to be imposed as part of the bylaws for these organizations on officers just for the very reasons you site as becoming such a vital part of the organization's memory. Not to mention, new blood needs to be brought in. You did your time...let them take their turn.

You might enjoy reading "Understanding Your HOA" which is an analysis of the HOA from its conceptual foundation to the reality of everyday issues. It is available on Amazon.


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