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September 04, 2015


There was a great management article called "On the folly of hoping for A while rewarding B." Until you stop sending them money while not showing Pac12, you are rewarding B while wanting A.

A week after we were all led to believe that a deal between Directv and the Pac12 Network would be in place... still nothing. Judging by the lead time to get a Directv installation a lot of people have been in the process of switching from their old carrier to (or back to) Directv. I was one of them, having taken the good deal that Costco is offering. Fortunately (now) my lead time was nearly two weeks. One week has gone by... no Pac12 Network. Perhaps we don't have an imminent deal after all. I say "fortunately" because that allows me one more week to see if a deal happens. If not, then I'll cancel my installation (Directv says no charge if you cancel before installation) and keep my old carrier another year. This is beginning to look like more smoke than fire after all.

Rot where?
Rot in HELL?
Where is hell and where did you hear about it?
Did you read about it in a book somewhere?
If so, what else did the book have to say?
Is there a way to avoid "rotting in hell" other than providing pak 12 games?
And what "the hell" is a pac12 anyway?
In all seriousness, I don't know. And if it has to do with pointless sports, I DON'T care to know. There is work to do.
Hugs and Kisses! XOXOXOX

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