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August 07, 2015


I watched the whole debate but left Fox before they tried to do the coup d'etat with a supposed group who watched the debate with Frank Lutz. Supposedly this was all neutral but sounds like it was aimed at taking down Trump. The story ahead of the debate was that the wealthy donors had ordered the others on the stage to take down Trump. Looks like Fox went with certain questions aimed at attacking him and then this after show which may or may not influence anybody. I cannot see myself voting for any Republican based on their stand on issues; so I am not an unbiased viewer. I actually did enjoy the show even if most of the canidates seemed to be repeating the same talking points. Do any righties think for themselves or is it lockstep on Iran, the wall, abortion, and shutting down government?

Brian said, "Trump is growing on me, in a decidedly weird way."

That's O.K. but please don't give me the "tingle down the leg" Chris Matthews line. THAT WAS WEIRD!

Brian, you like Trump because YOU ARE the Trump of South SoLame.
I really appreciate the fact that when you carefully formulate a viewpoint and express it, you stand by it. (right or wrong)
I get so sick of wimpy people that honestly take a position but later when the blowback occurs they turn into a quivering pile of jello begging for mercy.

"I'm Sorry. I'm sorry. I'll go to rehab, I'll do community service I'll....I'll....."

Similarly, I thought one of the high points in the debate was the TRASHING of political Correctness.

Heads up to cockamamie liberal robots: You can shove political correctness where the sun don't shine!!

If you don't like what Donald Trump, Brian Hines or Harry Vanderpool has to say here's my suggestion for you:

Tear pages out of your Saul Alinsky, or Barry Santoro book, past them to the inside of a bucket, place that bucket on your head and leave it there permanently. Now, no matter how much you turn your brainless head, you will agree with EVERTHING you see.


Most conservatives are fairly certain that Trump will not secure the GOP nomination. Even if he does, he has little chance against Clinton. And even if, by some mysterious fluke, he does become President, he will be denied his chance to be effective once he has the rules of the game explained to him.

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