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August 28, 2015


Thank you, so much for the heads up on this issue and all the work you put in on informing all of us on the shiny Council

Sandra, I sort of feel like maybe you meant to say "shitty Council." But I don't want to put words in your mouth.

it's a shame that this is so normal for the mayor and city politics.

Thanks! I sent an email :) I hope this doesn't go through!!

got this in an email back from them http://www.cityofsalem.net/Annoucements/FAQ%20Marijuana%20Agenda%20Item.pdf.pdf

Sounds like we need major reform in the leadership in Salem. We need to start at the top and remove the mayor from office! Shady BS like this should not be tolerated! It was voted in by the people, and the people should vote them out!

What a bunch of fucking weasels in this city government.

I don't see much "collaboration" going on here, except between like minded politicos behind closed doors to try and push their agenda against the stated public will.

Also Brian it appears you forgot to include the link to the Statesman Journal article on this breaking story... OH WAIT

Thomas, thanks for the FAQ info. I've updated this post to reflect the (nonsensical) FAQ document.

Well Brian, seems like the primary result of such a move by Salem's atrocious "leadership" would be to shift tax revenue away from Salem and into the coffers of Keizer, and of Marion County through those commercial areas just outside the city's borders, like much of Lancaster.

Talk about shooting themselves in the foot (feet?)

We need to depose the radical right wingers in the city counsil.

This is underhanded and disgusting, yet not surprising!

I thought they were so business friendly and opposed new taxes and regulations.

Can't make the meeting but...

...email sent !

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