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August 09, 2015


Thanks for keeping everyone updated on fairview. It has a lot of potential to be an amazing new eco friendly neighborhood in Salem, hopefully not full of apartment complexes. I have always wanted to take a look at fairview complex in its present state before it is flattened. Who could I talk to get permission to take a look at/photograph the historical buildings and not get charged for trespassing? Thanks

I am a caregiver of a gentleman that was taken to Fairview Training Center at the age of 2 in 1949 or so and he was there until 1965/1966 he was wanting to visit and take some pictures of what is left. Who could I speak to and see if this is possible?

I believe a park is what's best. Not more development. There's hardly enough jobs and housing costs will continue to climb. And it's already a huge issue. Homelessness is really high and a huge issue in this area. Shelters are packed. If your planning on developing and making it affordable then by all means. But I doubt that. The poor stay poor and the rich get more.. I live less than a mile from this location. I go and photograph it all the time. It's got a history and you'd do well to respect what happened there and those who are no longer residents but still very much alive to remember it. The neighborhood and the site deserve a park..

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