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August 04, 2015


None of the above 2016

Hillary says she will have an opinion on the Keystone XL pipeline once she is President. Unacceptable!!

Go Bernie! Why not Bernie/Warren? If you look back in US history, the two Roosevelts (Teddie and FDR) were no less outspoken about oligarchy than Bernie. It can happen.

Sanders is a self-described socialist. Where does socialism fit into the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights? Did the designers of this republic intend for government to run everything including private enterprise? Why didn't they say so?

Sorry, I disagree. I support the only candidate not a billionaire or owned by one, Bernie Sanders. Just because the constitutional authors didn't mention anything about democratic socialism, doesn't mean a person with that political philosophy can't run for office. In fact, it's been done before.

I didn't say Sanders couldn't run for office. Of course he can. I just don't see where socialism fits in with the philosophical framework under which the USA was founded.

What's wrong with being a billionaire? You could be one. Would you turn down a billion bucks if you did something so well it garnered that kind of money? In many cases billionaires provide employment for many people besides enriching themselves. This is a good thing. Don't you think?

Democratic socialism is an economic failure in most European economies. Most of them are insolvent. Denmark and Sweden are doing OK though. You could move there?

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