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July 20, 2015


Thank you for the photos and commentary. We went each of the 3 days. Bought some things. Ate. (They did have a great veg Greek salad at the south food court.) We noticed that same tree and wondered if someone was living in there.

The $5.00 admission fee is a great social screening device:
Anyone that bitches about paying a measly five bucks is not someone I care to spend the day with at a cultural event.
Maybe we should set out detour signs that lead them to a bingo hall on Portland Rd.
Or a toll free number they can call on their Obama phone....

The Oregon Country Fair is great but so packed with people. It costs over 20 bucks per person compared to just give. I would argue that with the Oregon Country Fair, the music and entertainment reign supreme and the wares/crafts are less important. With the Salem Art Fair, the art and wares take center stage. People watching and the food is much more interesting in Veneta. We go to both fairs almost every year. Both have places for the kiddos. Can't beat the child care services at the Oregon Country Fair though.

I agree that the art fair should overhaul the food offerings, although I appreciate the emphasis on the nonprofits. There was a pasta place that served several vegetarian offerings (I think they're at the state fair too.) I'd welcome the food carts. Why have Jamba Juice?

The comments by Vanderpool are classist and strange.

Thank You, Thank You, Scanstan for your endorsement of my comments!

Brian has worked feverishly to "Strange Up Salem".

If he is to accomplish his goal, what is included?

Answer: What is strange to you may not be strange to me. And vice-versa.

So here are some "classist" criteria for stranging up the Salem Art Fair:

Don't let BUMS, transients, panhandlers, or freeloaders roam freely in our classy event unless they "pay skin" of the HEAFTY five bucks.

In return, we promise to not have talented artisans encroaching on campsites under the bridge.

Of course, you are entirely free to promote your own cultural event under the bridge at your own fiscal risk.

Don't be "classist" now......

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Strange Up Salem

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