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June 22, 2015


Brian, can you have one of these arborist checkout the 'replacement' trees on State Street? 4 of the new 5 trees do not look healthy to me. It would help confirm the lack of care provided by the city of street trees.

The best part of the SJ article-

"I see hours and hours of staff time. I am determined that this council will stop bleeding money," Peterson said.

ahahahaha you gotta be fucking kidding me. what a clown for a mayor.

Apparently "bleeding money" is any money that is not going to her Never Going to be Built Bridge consultants for the past 15 years, overpaying for parkland from developer friends, adding in after the fact $1 million bonuses for already taxpayer subsidized development, wasting urban renewal funds from north salem to fix the sewers for a private developer in the old Sumco space, doing free soil testing on private property adjacent to parkland BUT OH NO WE DONT HAVE MONEY FOR A TREE COMMISSION!! BLEEDING MONEYS!!!!

Salemander, great comment. I like your writing style. Nicely acerbic. Which hopefully means sarcastic. Anyway, great points.

I'd add that several people have been added to the City Manager's staff at over $100,000 each. At every meeting of the police facility task force at least half a dozen City employees would sit there for several hours, dutifully watching the proceedings .While getting paid.

But like you said, OH NO!, we can't have a volunteer Urban Tree Commission meet every couple of months and have a City staffer spent an hour or so writing up brief minutes. That would be.... BLEEDING MONEY!

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