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June 07, 2015


Brian, it was a long, HOT day today working with stinging insects that I love, BUT:
I went in the house to take a break at a bit after 7:00 pm and remembered about the city council meeting.
I found the stream just as you walked up to the mike.
The mayor looked really happy to see you; NOT!!!
Brian, you did a really, really good job!

In my work, there are times that I enter a honey bee hive that has a serious problem. I enter the hive with the knowledge, tools and materials to SOLVE the problem.
I am there to save their life.
The bees rarely, but sometimes sting me for my effort. THANKS, BEES!!!
You stood up there getting your nose bit off and composed yourself perfectly!
Good job, Brian!
Are we the "Tree City" or not?

And here's a shocker:
I really like Anna Peterson.
She actually interviewed me for a position back in the 1990s. I love her!

But, as the old adage goes, "When ever you get two or more people together, there will be conflict."

Brian, YOU shined in the exchange with the mayor this evening!!!

Inside baseball question:
Who handed the mayor a lemon to chew on just as you approached the podium?

Harry, not surprisingly... I love your comment! Thanks, man.

You know, I like Anna Peterson also, just as I like Peter Fernandez. I mean, not as in best-friends-like, but they are human beings trying to do the best they can in a difficult-to-live-in world. So I like them for that.

Still, speaking the truth is more important to me than papering things over just so We All Can Get Along. My wife and I argue about a lot of stuff. We also love each other.

Disagreeing doesn't mean dislike. I happen to dislike what Peter Fernandez did when he allowed the U.S. Bank trees to be cut down for no good reason. This doesn't mean that I dislike Peter Fernandez.

Anyway, thanks for the comment.

I felt relaxed and at ease standing at the podium this evening. That's the benefit of honesty and straightforwardness. I just wanted to say what I consider to be true. If someone -- Mayor Peterson or anyone else -- is able to come up with facts and arguments that change my mind, great.

Like I said at the Council meeting, though, I've asked for those facts and arguments from City officials for over a year now, and none have been forthcoming.

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