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May 01, 2015


Here is what I would like to see:
More "fair and balanced" articles in Salem Weekly such as Helen Caswell's minimum wage article.
Then, Salem Weekly buys the Statesman Urinal facility and becomes "Salem Daily"
Printing presses and all.
Print copy is not out of date.
Piss-poor journalism is!

It is a decline of their own creation.

I spend several hours a week pouring over century-old editions of the Statesman and Capital Journal.

The writing may be somewhat stilted in the manner of 1914-1918, but the editorials are well thought out and not dumbed down. Readers of the period following the Great War were kept abreast of the news and the analysis holds up to this day.

Reporters covered local news with a diligence absent today. And each paper did it with between eight and 12 pages.

Yes, they could get snarky, but it was not as cheap as that coming from Dick Hughes.

I love the Statesman Journal. I start everyday reading it with my breakfast. I love knowing what's going on around town even if I can't always take part in the activities, I find comfort in knowing they're there when I want them! I love the support that the Statesman Journal gives to small and local businesses and to non-profits too!

Over 1700 comments on the Fishwrapper's (Oregonian)article about pumping our own gas.
When did you last see 1700 comments on the Urinal's website?
That is because their posting rules are ridiculous.
Just say NO to FacePage & MyBook!

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